Apr 7, 2012

Moving Up

                Well our house deal worked out!  We got the big news last night that the sellers of a house in Kingsport accepted our last offer.  So we’ll close on a FANTABULOUS house at the end of May (pictures to come) and make our way home for good at the end of June. 

            This weekend, we moved out of our house and into an apartment a few minutes away.  Squishing 2500 square feet worth of stuff into 750 square feet is quite a feat.  We definitely have “big room” furniture mashed into this cozy little couple of rooms.  We’re good; the dogs, on the other hand, not so much.  They keep barking at any and every obscure sound outside.

Some highlights (if you will) of the last 2 days:
-       Matthew’s face of astonishment every time I would say, “just throw that out; we don’t need it.”  I swear, the boy would keep everything if I let him.

-       The moving men actually laughing out loud as I was directing them where to put my big-ass furniture in this little apartment.  I kept saying, “I know, I know….it’s only for three months.”  Like I have to justify myself to them.

-       Matthew jumping up and down (literally) when he missed the call from AT&T to set up U-Verse at the apartment today.  It is the weekend of The Masters after all.

            I can post this blog (and the two previous blogs) because Matthew told his bosses on Friday that he will be leaving in a couple of months.  Being the sweet man I fell in love with, he feels loyal after working with them for the last five and a half years, and giving them the news was tough for him.  And as a testament of his good work for those years, they all expressed disappointment over his leaving.  Like the house sale, though, this step made the whole moving deal seem real.

            I’m still anxious about not having a job, especially now that we’ve bought a house.  Once that works out, and I know that it will, whether it’s the way I think it should work out or otherwise, I hope I can finally take a deep breath.  Even with the uncertainty, though, I’m giddy with excitement about what’s ahead for us.  Moving back home deserves a blog of its own (and maybe a therapy session?), but like One Republic sings, ‘this has gotta be the good life; this could really be a good life, good life.’

             Happy Easter to all our friends and family!

Until next time, sending love,
The Spiveys 


  1. Rebecca,
    Thanks for sharing! I was in the same boat last year after completing PGY1 and looking for a job. It is stressful! Let me know if I can help in any way.

    1. Thanks, Emily. Feel free to drop my name if you hear of any open positions anywhere. I hope you and Brandon are doing well! Happy Easter!
