Dec 17, 2012

Peace and Comfort

It’s been a while, my friends!  Let me explain….

I’ve thought about writing a few times since we got settled in here back at home, but I’m in such a quandary about what to write about.  Ok, I admit….I did write a blog on the Chick-fil-A uproar, but it was after I de-friended a few crazies on fb and I was still in a rage.  Thankfully, the hubs suggested I just think about it before posting.  Bless him.

On principle, I refuse to blog about something relatively pointless, like cleaning out the garage (plus, we haven’t done this yet) or a recap of our weekends (to sum up the fall: cleaning, football, cooking out, repeat).  I also know I shouldn’t be complaining about anything (i.e., my husband working too much or my order from West Elm being on backorder) because, I know, these cannot even be considered problems.  Really, I love, love, love our life, and it feels wrong to go on and on about how happy I am right now. 

Last Thursday night/Friday morning, I thought about writing about a small personal struggle I’ve been dealing with lately, but then, like everyone else in the country, I saw the tragic headlines on MSN when I refreshed my computer at work and that little struggle was put in perspective.  What the community and those families are going through is unthinkable. 

In thinking about what to write about last week, I was going to elaborate/relate to this quote I saw on Pinterest first (yep, still a thing) and on the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel:

Everything will be alright in the end, and if it’s not alright, then it’s not yet the end.

Isn’t this a comforting statement?  On Friday, I thought there really isn’t anything to which this can’t apply.  Even if you think in extremes, like losing someone you love, you can think about that person being in heaven, no hurt, no worries, only perfection.  But I was wrong; I’m sure this would not be a comforting statement to the parents who lost their six-year olds.  While I can still find comfort in this saying for myself, I realize that this statement, along with “Everything is a part of God’s plan,” is not all that encouraging in certain situations. 

Speaking of these phrases that are thrown around flippantly…..Facebook is a crazy place where people just put it all out there, isn’t it?  They post crazy things they would never in a million years say out loud in person.  And frankly, it’s a little disturbing.  Take the ‘I am Adam Lanza’s Mother’ article that has gone viral; people have posted it and added their own commentaries, without putting much of their own thought into what they are posting.  Then today I saw the rebuke, ‘No, You are Not Adam Lanza’s Mother and Yes, Your Kid,’ which was re-posted with, perhaps, just as little thought.  Who knows what to think?  And therein lies the problem – not the fact that social media is a way for people to share others’ opinions, but that so many others’ opinions are shared, rather than one coming up with his or her own opinions. 

So, even before last week’s disaster, I had decided that I needed a Facebook hiatus, partly due to the aforementioned personal issue, but in light of all the recent postings, my need to take a break is confirmed.  It is certainly not that I’m not interested in what everyone has to say (I love all the pictures, after all!), but to regain a little peace and wean off the need to look at Facebook regularly, I am vowing to not log in again until after the first of the year.  Posting it here makes it official, a commitment.

I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season!  And please, remember to keep those who are celebrating without someone this year in your thoughts.

Until next time, sending love,
The Spiveys