May 3, 2011

Here goes nothing....

So I’ve decided to start blogging.  I have nothing mind-boggling going on in my life right now, but I’m feeling moved to blog so I’m trying my hand at it.  My name is Rebecca Miller Spivey, and I am a 26-year old almost-pharmacist living in Atlanta right now.  I am married to Matthew Spivey, my hot husband and bff.  We have two dogs, Sadie and Stella, and a cat Darla.  And here’s our life…..

I am about to finish at Mercer University with a Doctorate of Pharmacy and Masters of Business Administration.  Only 2 more weeks of rotation, 1 week of capstone and 4 business classes left (eek!!)….not that I’m counting.  In June, I’ll be starting a pharmacy practice residency at Grady Health System in Atlanta.  I did some of my fourth-year rotations at Grady and absolutely fell in love with the pharmacy department and found a passion for Grady’s patient population.  It will be a challenging year, but there is nothing I’d rather be doing next year than working and learning at Grady. 

Matthew is in his fifth year of practice as a real lawyer in Atlanta.  Like anyone with a job, he has doubts about what he’s doing and the purpose he’s serving sometimes, but I know that he was made to be an attorney.  Anyone that knows Matthew knows that his mix of intellect and genuineness make him perfect for the job…particularly for litigation.   Sometimes I hear him on the phone encouraging a client or giving it to the other side’s lawyer, and all I can think to myself is ‘Girl, you done good!’

So what am I going to blog about?  Good question….but I don’t have a great answer.  I’ve been thinking of keeping a journal of our married life for a while and just cannot make myself get around to it.  I’ll think about it while I’m walking the dogs or doing some other mindless task, but then I can always think of something more important to do, like facebook stalking or painting my fingernails, when I have the opportunity to write.  Speaking of facebook, I don’t post on facebook or tweet very much, mainly because I know that no one cares if I’m ‘Going to bed’ or ‘I’ll never get anything done today because I have a sick child at home today.’  And, honestly, I don’t really expect anyone to care all that much about my blog either.  I want to write about our everyday life together….here’s why….

Matthew and I have been married for over FOUR years now!  That is absolutely ridiculous to me.  That first year of marriage, it occurred to me several times that I should write down some of things that we did together or funny situations we found ourselves in.  You know those times when you’re wishing someone else is with you to appreciate the humor in an unfortunate misunderstanding or laugh at the irony in an everyday situation?  One of my favorite examples from that first year is when we had been married for about six months, and Matthew asked one day, “Hey, do you know where we keep the toilet paper?”  Really?!?  I didn’t know if I should respond with “Thank you for validating my point that you never replace it,” or with “Nope, we have a little fairy that promptly replaces each roll when you tear off that last little sheet….and I think she’s the same fairy that moves your shoes to your closet day after day regardless of where you leave them in the house.”  I think my first reaction was to laugh, and then, of course, Matthew realized the silliness of his question, too.  He’s since learned to look for stuff on his own first. 

I’ll do my best to be fair in talking about Matthew.  There were some pretty stupid things I did that first year, too.  I never really cooked much or worked outside or really did anything domestic before I got married.  We had some good laughs together as I was learning, but all in all, he was very understanding and took it all in stride.  One of the first things I did was take some prints and pictures to get framed at a local framing shop.  I chose this particular place because I had received a $50 coupon in the mail.  Little did I know, you can put a down payment on a car for what it costs to frame four decent-size photos.  That $50 wasn’t even a drop in the bucket.  I know the lady in the shop was thinking to herself, “Sucker!”  That first spring together as husband and wife, we decided to get our back deck ready for the pretty weather.  I spray painted the deck furniture, hand painted a wooden bench, decorated pots, bought pillows and a rug and scrubbed the deck floor.  Then I went to Home Depot and bought an insane amount of flowers for the 8’x12’ deck we have.  I didn’t, of course, even think about which were perennials or about which ones would grow and spread.  I just plopped them all in the pots, filled in with some dirt and sprinkled a little water on them.  They were pretty for a while, but then they just exploded.  The back deck was covered and attracted so many bugs that we could not even enjoy being out there that year.  We haven’t any flowers since that mishap.  I think my ego has finally recovered enough to take another stab at it this year.

At the rehearsal dinner the night before our wedding, my dad said in his toast that when he held me for the first time, he thought to himself that he never wanted to forget the details of that moment.  It was sweet at the time, but it has so much more meaning now.  I want to remember every detail of every day.  As corny as that sounds, even the not-so-good days will probably bring back feelings of nostalgia.  I want to have a record of what we do day to day and the feelings I have about my circumstances or situations I encounter. 

A few disclaimers….

1.     This is my blog.  I’ll try not to be too harsh, but this is my perspective on life.  If anyone feels differently, start your own blog.

2.     I’ll do my very best to avoid using my blog as a platform to b*$@h about work, school, my husband, the lady in front of me at the Kroger checkout line, whatever, but I don’t promise to never b*$@h.

3.     I like to think I’m not too cheesy, but let’s face it, the times I’ll probably be moved to write will most likely be cheesy.  Just don’t read it if you’re not up for the cheesefest. 

4.     Matthew and I are both busy people.  We both work lots of hours and there will be weeks when the only time we really get to talk is for the half-hour before we go to bed.  I can’t promise life-changing, motivating stories.  For one, I don’t think I’m going to be encountering the inspiration for such stories, and two, I’m just not that deep of a person.  This is just a journal of our life together.  I could keep a diary, but blogging is the thing now and I’m trying to be coolJ

So until next time, sending love,
The Spiveys


  1. Becca.... You are too cute! I love it! I hope that doing this blog fills the void that you're feeling about not recording your life up to now.. I'll be interested to read more since I never see you or really know what's going on in your life! Take care!

  2. Oh and P.S. I can see myself in the backround of that wedding picture you posted.. I look awful! haha
